mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 16:14:27 +00:00
Calculation of where the include file lives was broken by 23acdd3f14 since it resulted in looking for the first include in .repo, rather than .repo/manifests. While people can work around it via setting their includes to manifests/<include-target>, that breaks down since each layer of includes would then have to be relative. As such, restore the behaviour back to 2644874d; manifests includes are calculated relative to the manifest root (ie, .repo/manifests); local manifests includes are calculated relative to .repo/ . Change-Id: I74c19ba614c41d2f08cd3e9fd094f3c510e3bfd1
641 lines
20 KiB
641 lines
20 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
import urlparse
import xml.dom.minidom
from git_config import GitConfig, IsId
from project import RemoteSpec, Project, MetaProject, R_HEADS, HEAD
from error import ManifestParseError
MANIFEST_FILE_NAME = 'manifest.xml'
LOCAL_MANIFEST_NAME = 'local_manifest.xml'
urlparse.uses_relative.extend(['ssh', 'git'])
urlparse.uses_netloc.extend(['ssh', 'git'])
class _Default(object):
"""Project defaults within the manifest."""
revisionExpr = None
remote = None
sync_j = 1
sync_c = False
class _XmlRemote(object):
def __init__(self,
self.name = name
self.fetchUrl = fetch
self.manifestUrl = manifestUrl
self.reviewUrl = review
self.resolvedFetchUrl = self._resolveFetchUrl()
def _resolveFetchUrl(self):
url = self.fetchUrl.rstrip('/')
manifestUrl = self.manifestUrl.rstrip('/')
# urljoin will get confused if there is no scheme in the base url
# ie, if manifestUrl is of the form <hostname:port>
if manifestUrl.find(':') != manifestUrl.find('/') - 1:
manifestUrl = 'gopher://' + manifestUrl
url = urlparse.urljoin(manifestUrl, url)
return re.sub(r'^gopher://', '', url)
def ToRemoteSpec(self, projectName):
url = self.resolvedFetchUrl.rstrip('/') + '/' + projectName
return RemoteSpec(self.name, url, self.reviewUrl)
class XmlManifest(object):
"""manages the repo configuration file"""
def __init__(self, repodir):
self.repodir = os.path.abspath(repodir)
self.topdir = os.path.dirname(self.repodir)
self.manifestFile = os.path.join(self.repodir, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME)
self.globalConfig = GitConfig.ForUser()
self.repoProject = MetaProject(self, 'repo',
gitdir = os.path.join(repodir, 'repo/.git'),
worktree = os.path.join(repodir, 'repo'))
self.manifestProject = MetaProject(self, 'manifests',
gitdir = os.path.join(repodir, 'manifests.git'),
worktree = os.path.join(repodir, 'manifests'))
def Override(self, name):
"""Use a different manifest, just for the current instantiation.
path = os.path.join(self.manifestProject.worktree, name)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise ManifestParseError('manifest %s not found' % name)
old = self.manifestFile
self.manifestFile = path
self.manifestFile = old
def Link(self, name):
"""Update the repo metadata to use a different manifest.
if os.path.exists(self.manifestFile):
os.symlink('manifests/%s' % name, self.manifestFile)
except OSError, e:
raise ManifestParseError('cannot link manifest %s' % name)
def _RemoteToXml(self, r, doc, root):
e = doc.createElement('remote')
e.setAttribute('name', r.name)
e.setAttribute('fetch', r.fetchUrl)
if r.reviewUrl is not None:
e.setAttribute('review', r.reviewUrl)
def Save(self, fd, peg_rev=False):
"""Write the current manifest out to the given file descriptor.
mp = self.manifestProject
groups = mp.config.GetString('manifest.groups')
if not groups:
groups = 'default'
groups = [x for x in re.split(r'[,\s]+', groups) if x]
doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
root = doc.createElement('manifest')
# Save out the notice. There's a little bit of work here to give it the
# right whitespace, which assumes that the notice is automatically indented
# by 4 by minidom.
if self.notice:
notice_element = root.appendChild(doc.createElement('notice'))
notice_lines = self.notice.splitlines()
indented_notice = ('\n'.join(" "*4 + line for line in notice_lines))[4:]
d = self.default
sort_remotes = list(self.remotes.keys())
for r in sort_remotes:
self._RemoteToXml(self.remotes[r], doc, root)
if self.remotes:
have_default = False
e = doc.createElement('default')
if d.remote:
have_default = True
e.setAttribute('remote', d.remote.name)
if d.revisionExpr:
have_default = True
e.setAttribute('revision', d.revisionExpr)
if d.sync_j > 1:
have_default = True
e.setAttribute('sync-j', '%d' % d.sync_j)
if d.sync_c:
have_default = True
e.setAttribute('sync-c', 'true')
if have_default:
if self._manifest_server:
e = doc.createElement('manifest-server')
e.setAttribute('url', self._manifest_server)
sort_projects = list(self.projects.keys())
for p in sort_projects:
p = self.projects[p]
if not p.MatchesGroups(groups):
e = doc.createElement('project')
e.setAttribute('name', p.name)
if p.relpath != p.name:
e.setAttribute('path', p.relpath)
if not d.remote or p.remote.name != d.remote.name:
e.setAttribute('remote', p.remote.name)
if peg_rev:
if self.IsMirror:
p.bare_git.rev_parse(p.revisionExpr + '^0'))
p.work_git.rev_parse(HEAD + '^0'))
elif not d.revisionExpr or p.revisionExpr != d.revisionExpr:
e.setAttribute('revision', p.revisionExpr)
for c in p.copyfiles:
ce = doc.createElement('copyfile')
ce.setAttribute('src', c.src)
ce.setAttribute('dest', c.dest)
egroups = [g for g in p.groups if g != 'default']
if egroups:
e.setAttribute('groups', ','.join(egroups))
for a in p.annotations:
if a.keep == "true":
ae = doc.createElement('annotation')
ae.setAttribute('name', a.name)
ae.setAttribute('value', a.value)
if p.sync_c:
e.setAttribute('sync-c', 'true')
if self._repo_hooks_project:
e = doc.createElement('repo-hooks')
e.setAttribute('in-project', self._repo_hooks_project.name)
' '.join(self._repo_hooks_project.enabled_repo_hooks))
doc.writexml(fd, '', ' ', '\n', 'UTF-8')
def projects(self):
return self._projects
def remotes(self):
return self._remotes
def default(self):
return self._default
def repo_hooks_project(self):
return self._repo_hooks_project
def notice(self):
return self._notice
def manifest_server(self):
return self._manifest_server
def IsMirror(self):
return self.manifestProject.config.GetBoolean('repo.mirror')
def _Unload(self):
self._loaded = False
self._projects = {}
self._remotes = {}
self._default = None
self._repo_hooks_project = None
self._notice = None
self.branch = None
self._manifest_server = None
def _Load(self):
if not self._loaded:
m = self.manifestProject
b = m.GetBranch(m.CurrentBranch).merge
if b is not None and b.startswith(R_HEADS):
b = b[len(R_HEADS):]
self.branch = b
nodes = []
local = os.path.join(self.repodir, LOCAL_MANIFEST_NAME)
if os.path.exists(local):
nodes.append(self._ParseManifestXml(local, self.repodir))
if self.IsMirror:
self._loaded = True
def _ParseManifestXml(self, path, include_root):
root = xml.dom.minidom.parse(path)
if not root or not root.childNodes:
raise ManifestParseError("no root node in %s" % (path,))
config = root.childNodes[0]
if config.nodeName != 'manifest':
raise ManifestParseError("no <manifest> in %s" % (path,))
nodes = []
for node in config.childNodes:
if node.nodeName == 'include':
name = self._reqatt(node, 'name')
fp = os.path.join(include_root, name)
if not os.path.isfile(fp):
raise ManifestParseError, \
"include %s doesn't exist or isn't a file" % \
nodes.extend(self._ParseManifestXml(fp, include_root))
# should isolate this to the exact exception, but that's
# tricky. actual parsing implementation may vary.
except (KeyboardInterrupt, RuntimeError, SystemExit):
except Exception, e:
raise ManifestParseError(
"failed parsing included manifest %s: %s", (name, e))
return nodes
def _ParseManifest(self, node_list):
for node in itertools.chain(*node_list):
if node.nodeName == 'remote':
remote = self._ParseRemote(node)
if self._remotes.get(remote.name):
raise ManifestParseError(
'duplicate remote %s in %s' %
(remote.name, self.manifestFile))
self._remotes[remote.name] = remote
for node in itertools.chain(*node_list):
if node.nodeName == 'default':
if self._default is not None:
raise ManifestParseError(
'duplicate default in %s' %
self._default = self._ParseDefault(node)
if self._default is None:
self._default = _Default()
for node in itertools.chain(*node_list):
if node.nodeName == 'notice':
if self._notice is not None:
raise ManifestParseError(
'duplicate notice in %s' %
self._notice = self._ParseNotice(node)
for node in itertools.chain(*node_list):
if node.nodeName == 'manifest-server':
url = self._reqatt(node, 'url')
if self._manifest_server is not None:
raise ManifestParseError(
'duplicate manifest-server in %s' %
self._manifest_server = url
for node in itertools.chain(*node_list):
if node.nodeName == 'project':
project = self._ParseProject(node)
if self._projects.get(project.name):
raise ManifestParseError(
'duplicate project %s in %s' %
(project.name, self.manifestFile))
self._projects[project.name] = project
if node.nodeName == 'repo-hooks':
# Get the name of the project and the (space-separated) list of enabled.
repo_hooks_project = self._reqatt(node, 'in-project')
enabled_repo_hooks = self._reqatt(node, 'enabled-list').split()
# Only one project can be the hooks project
if self._repo_hooks_project is not None:
raise ManifestParseError(
'duplicate repo-hooks in %s' %
# Store a reference to the Project.
self._repo_hooks_project = self._projects[repo_hooks_project]
except KeyError:
raise ManifestParseError(
'project %s not found for repo-hooks' %
# Store the enabled hooks in the Project object.
self._repo_hooks_project.enabled_repo_hooks = enabled_repo_hooks
if node.nodeName == 'remove-project':
name = self._reqatt(node, 'name')
del self._projects[name]
except KeyError:
raise ManifestParseError(
'project %s not found' %
# If the manifest removes the hooks project, treat it as if it deleted
# the repo-hooks element too.
if self._repo_hooks_project and (self._repo_hooks_project.name == name):
self._repo_hooks_project = None
def _AddMetaProjectMirror(self, m):
name = None
m_url = m.GetRemote(m.remote.name).url
if m_url.endswith('/.git'):
raise ManifestParseError, 'refusing to mirror %s' % m_url
if self._default and self._default.remote:
url = self._default.remote.resolvedFetchUrl
if not url.endswith('/'):
url += '/'
if m_url.startswith(url):
remote = self._default.remote
name = m_url[len(url):]
if name is None:
s = m_url.rindex('/') + 1
manifestUrl = self.manifestProject.config.GetString('remote.origin.url')
remote = _XmlRemote('origin', m_url[:s], manifestUrl)
name = m_url[s:]
if name.endswith('.git'):
name = name[:-4]
if name not in self._projects:
gitdir = os.path.join(self.topdir, '%s.git' % name)
project = Project(manifest = self,
name = name,
remote = remote.ToRemoteSpec(name),
gitdir = gitdir,
worktree = None,
relpath = None,
revisionExpr = m.revisionExpr,
revisionId = None)
self._projects[project.name] = project
def _ParseRemote(self, node):
reads a <remote> element from the manifest file
name = self._reqatt(node, 'name')
fetch = self._reqatt(node, 'fetch')
review = node.getAttribute('review')
if review == '':
review = None
manifestUrl = self.manifestProject.config.GetString('remote.origin.url')
return _XmlRemote(name, fetch, manifestUrl, review)
def _ParseDefault(self, node):
reads a <default> element from the manifest file
d = _Default()
d.remote = self._get_remote(node)
d.revisionExpr = node.getAttribute('revision')
if d.revisionExpr == '':
d.revisionExpr = None
sync_j = node.getAttribute('sync-j')
if sync_j == '' or sync_j is None:
d.sync_j = 1
d.sync_j = int(sync_j)
sync_c = node.getAttribute('sync-c')
if not sync_c:
d.sync_c = False
d.sync_c = sync_c.lower() in ("yes", "true", "1")
return d
def _ParseNotice(self, node):
reads a <notice> element from the manifest file
The <notice> element is distinct from other tags in the XML in that the
data is conveyed between the start and end tag (it's not an empty-element
The white space (carriage returns, indentation) for the notice element is
relevant and is parsed in a way that is based on how python docstrings work.
In fact, the code is remarkably similar to here:
# Get the data out of the node...
notice = node.childNodes[0].data
# Figure out minimum indentation, skipping the first line (the same line
# as the <notice> tag)...
minIndent = sys.maxint
lines = notice.splitlines()
for line in lines[1:]:
lstrippedLine = line.lstrip()
if lstrippedLine:
indent = len(line) - len(lstrippedLine)
minIndent = min(indent, minIndent)
# Strip leading / trailing blank lines and also indentation.
cleanLines = [lines[0].strip()]
for line in lines[1:]:
# Clear completely blank lines from front and back...
while cleanLines and not cleanLines[0]:
del cleanLines[0]
while cleanLines and not cleanLines[-1]:
del cleanLines[-1]
return '\n'.join(cleanLines)
def _ParseProject(self, node):
reads a <project> element from the manifest file
name = self._reqatt(node, 'name')
remote = self._get_remote(node)
if remote is None:
remote = self._default.remote
if remote is None:
raise ManifestParseError, \
"no remote for project %s within %s" % \
(name, self.manifestFile)
revisionExpr = node.getAttribute('revision')
if not revisionExpr:
revisionExpr = self._default.revisionExpr
if not revisionExpr:
raise ManifestParseError, \
"no revision for project %s within %s" % \
(name, self.manifestFile)
path = node.getAttribute('path')
if not path:
path = name
if path.startswith('/'):
raise ManifestParseError, \
"project %s path cannot be absolute in %s" % \
(name, self.manifestFile)
rebase = node.getAttribute('rebase')
if not rebase:
rebase = True
rebase = rebase.lower() in ("yes", "true", "1")
sync_c = node.getAttribute('sync-c')
if not sync_c:
sync_c = False
sync_c = sync_c.lower() in ("yes", "true", "1")
groups = ''
if node.hasAttribute('groups'):
groups = node.getAttribute('groups')
groups = [x for x in re.split('[,\s]+', groups) if x]
if 'default' not in groups:
if self.IsMirror:
relpath = None
worktree = None
gitdir = os.path.join(self.topdir, '%s.git' % name)
worktree = os.path.join(self.topdir, path).replace('\\', '/')
gitdir = os.path.join(self.repodir, 'projects/%s.git' % path)
project = Project(manifest = self,
name = name,
remote = remote.ToRemoteSpec(name),
gitdir = gitdir,
worktree = worktree,
relpath = path,
revisionExpr = revisionExpr,
revisionId = None,
rebase = rebase,
groups = groups,
sync_c = sync_c)
for n in node.childNodes:
if n.nodeName == 'copyfile':
self._ParseCopyFile(project, n)
if n.nodeName == 'annotation':
self._ParseAnnotation(project, n)
return project
def _ParseCopyFile(self, project, node):
src = self._reqatt(node, 'src')
dest = self._reqatt(node, 'dest')
if not self.IsMirror:
# src is project relative;
# dest is relative to the top of the tree
project.AddCopyFile(src, dest, os.path.join(self.topdir, dest))
def _ParseAnnotation(self, project, node):
name = self._reqatt(node, 'name')
value = self._reqatt(node, 'value')
keep = self._reqatt(node, 'keep').lower()
except ManifestParseError:
keep = "true"
if keep != "true" and keep != "false":
raise ManifestParseError, "optional \"keep\" attribute must be \"true\" or \"false\""
project.AddAnnotation(name, value, keep)
def _get_remote(self, node):
name = node.getAttribute('remote')
if not name:
return None
v = self._remotes.get(name)
if not v:
raise ManifestParseError, \
"remote %s not defined in %s" % \
(name, self.manifestFile)
return v
def _reqatt(self, node, attname):
reads a required attribute from the node.
v = node.getAttribute(attname)
if not v:
raise ManifestParseError, \
"no %s in <%s> within %s" % \
(attname, node.nodeName, self.manifestFile)
return v