For now, this is opt-in via environment variables: - export REPO_USE_ALTERNATES=1 The shared project logic that shares the internal .git/objects/ dir directly between multiple projects via the project-objects/ tree has a lot of KI with random corruption. It all boils down to projects sharing objects/ but not refs/. Git operations that use refs to see what objects are reachable and discard the rest can easily discard objects that are used by other projects. Consider this project layout: <show fs layout> There are unique refs in each of these trees that are not visible in the others. This means it's not safe to run basic operations like git prune or git gc. Since we can't share refs (each project needs to have unique refs like HEAD in order to function), let's change how we share objects. The old way involved symlinking .git/objects/ to the project-objects tree. The new way shares objects using git's info/alternates. This means project-objects/ will only contain objects that exist in the remote project. Local per-project objects (like when creating branches and making changes) will never be shared. When running a prune or gc operation in the per-project state, it will only ever repack or discard those per-project objects. The common shared objects would only be cleaned up when running a common operation (i.e. by repo itself). One downside to this for users is if they try blending unrelated upstream projects. For example, in CrOS we have multiple kernel projects (for diff versions) checked out. If a dev fetched the upstream Linus tree into one of them, the objects & tags would not be shared with the others, so they would have to fetch the upstream state for each project. Annoying, but better than the current corruption situation we're in now. Also if the dev runs a manual `git fetch` in the per-project to sync it up to newer state than the last `repo sync` they ran, the objects would get duplicated. However, git operations later on should eventually dedupe this. Bug: Change-Id: I313a9b8962f9d439ef98ac0ed37ecfb9e0b3864e Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Mike Frysinger <> Tested-by: LaMont Jones <>
Repo is a tool built on top of Git. Repo helps manage many Git repositories, does the uploads to revision control systems, and automates parts of the development workflow. Repo is not meant to replace Git, only to make it easier to work with Git. The repo command is an executable Python script that you can put anywhere in your path.
- Homepage:
- Mailing list: repo-discuss on Google Groups
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- Docs:
- repo Manifest Format
- repo Hooks
- Submitting patches
- Running Repo in Microsoft Windows
- GitHub mirror:
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Please use the repo-discuss mailing list or issue tracker for questions.
You can file a new bug report under the "repo" component.
Please do not e-mail individual developers for support. They do not have the bandwidth for it, and often times questions have already been asked on repo-discuss or bugs posted to the issue tracker. So please search those sites first.
Many distros include repo, so you might be able to install from there.
# Debian/Ubuntu.
$ sudo apt-get install repo
# Gentoo.
$ sudo emerge dev-vcs/repo
You can install it manually as well as it's a single script.
$ mkdir -p ~/.bin
$ PATH="${HOME}/.bin:${PATH}"
$ curl > ~/.bin/repo
$ chmod a+rx ~/.bin/repo