# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import optparse from color import Coloring from command import PagedCommand from git_refs import R_HEADS from git_refs import R_M class _Coloring(Coloring): def __init__(self, config): Coloring.__init__(self, config, "status") class Info(PagedCommand): COMMON = True helpSummary = ( "Get info on the manifest branch, current branch or unmerged branches" ) helpUsage = "%prog [-dl] [-o [-c]] [...]" def _Options(self, p): p.add_option( "-d", "--diff", dest="all", action="store_true", help="show full info and commit diff including remote branches", ) p.add_option( "-o", "--overview", dest="overview", action="store_true", help="show overview of all local commits", ) p.add_option( "-c", "--current-branch", dest="current_branch", action="store_true", help="consider only checked out branches", ) p.add_option( "--no-current-branch", dest="current_branch", action="store_false", help="consider all local branches", ) # Turn this into a warning & remove this someday. p.add_option( "-b", dest="current_branch", action="store_true", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP, ) p.add_option( "-l", "--local-only", dest="local", action="store_true", help="disable all remote operations", ) def Execute(self, opt, args): self.out = _Coloring(self.client.globalConfig) self.heading = self.out.printer("heading", attr="bold") self.headtext = self.out.nofmt_printer("headtext", fg="yellow") self.redtext = self.out.printer("redtext", fg="red") self.sha = self.out.printer("sha", fg="yellow") self.text = self.out.nofmt_printer("text") self.dimtext = self.out.printer("dimtext", attr="dim") self.opt = opt if not opt.this_manifest_only: self.manifest = self.manifest.outer_client manifestConfig = self.manifest.manifestProject.config mergeBranch = manifestConfig.GetBranch("default").merge manifestGroups = self.manifest.GetGroupsStr() self.heading("Manifest branch: ") if self.manifest.default.revisionExpr: self.headtext(self.manifest.default.revisionExpr) self.out.nl() self.heading("Manifest merge branch: ") self.headtext(mergeBranch) self.out.nl() self.heading("Manifest groups: ") self.headtext(manifestGroups) self.out.nl() self.printSeparator() if not opt.overview: self._printDiffInfo(opt, args) else: self._printCommitOverview(opt, args) def printSeparator(self): self.text("----------------------------") self.out.nl() def _printDiffInfo(self, opt, args): # We let exceptions bubble up to main as they'll be well structured. projs = self.GetProjects(args, all_manifests=not opt.this_manifest_only) for p in projs: self.heading("Project: ") self.headtext(p.name) self.out.nl() self.heading("Mount path: ") self.headtext(p.worktree) self.out.nl() self.heading("Current revision: ") self.headtext(p.GetRevisionId()) self.out.nl() currentBranch = p.CurrentBranch if currentBranch: self.heading("Current branch: ") self.headtext(currentBranch) self.out.nl() self.heading("Manifest revision: ") self.headtext(p.revisionExpr) self.out.nl() localBranches = list(p.GetBranches().keys()) self.heading("Local Branches: ") self.redtext(str(len(localBranches))) if localBranches: self.text(" [") self.text(", ".join(localBranches)) self.text("]") self.out.nl() if self.opt.all: self.findRemoteLocalDiff(p) self.printSeparator() def findRemoteLocalDiff(self, project): # Fetch all the latest commits. if not self.opt.local: project.Sync_NetworkHalf(quiet=True, current_branch_only=True) branch = self.manifest.manifestProject.config.GetBranch("default").merge if branch.startswith(R_HEADS): branch = branch[len(R_HEADS) :] logTarget = R_M + branch bareTmp = project.bare_git._bare project.bare_git._bare = False localCommits = project.bare_git.rev_list( "--abbrev=8", "--abbrev-commit", "--pretty=oneline", logTarget + "..", "--", ) originCommits = project.bare_git.rev_list( "--abbrev=8", "--abbrev-commit", "--pretty=oneline", ".." + logTarget, "--", ) project.bare_git._bare = bareTmp self.heading("Local Commits: ") self.redtext(str(len(localCommits))) self.dimtext(" (on current branch)") self.out.nl() for c in localCommits: split = c.split() self.sha(split[0] + " ") self.text(" ".join(split[1:])) self.out.nl() self.printSeparator() self.heading("Remote Commits: ") self.redtext(str(len(originCommits))) self.out.nl() for c in originCommits: split = c.split() self.sha(split[0] + " ") self.text(" ".join(split[1:])) self.out.nl() def _printCommitOverview(self, opt, args): all_branches = [] for project in self.GetProjects( args, all_manifests=not opt.this_manifest_only ): br = [project.GetUploadableBranch(x) for x in project.GetBranches()] br = [x for x in br if x] if self.opt.current_branch: br = [x for x in br if x.name == project.CurrentBranch] all_branches.extend(br) if not all_branches: return self.out.nl() self.heading("Projects Overview") project = None for branch in all_branches: if project != branch.project: project = branch.project self.out.nl() self.headtext(project.RelPath(local=opt.this_manifest_only)) self.out.nl() commits = branch.commits date = branch.date self.text( "%s %-33s (%2d commit%s, %s)" % ( branch.name == project.CurrentBranch and "*" or " ", branch.name, len(commits), len(commits) != 1 and "s" or "", date, ) ) self.out.nl() for commit in commits: split = commit.split() self.text("{:38}{} ".format("", "-")) self.sha(split[0] + " ") self.text(" ".join(split[1:])) self.out.nl()