# # Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import errno import fcntl import multiprocessing import re import os import select import signal import sys import subprocess from color import Coloring from command import Command, MirrorSafeCommand _CAN_COLOR = [ 'branch', 'diff', 'grep', 'log', ] class ForallColoring(Coloring): def __init__(self, config): Coloring.__init__(self, config, 'forall') self.project = self.printer('project', attr='bold') class Forall(Command, MirrorSafeCommand): common = False helpSummary = "Run a shell command in each project" helpUsage = """ %prog [...] -c [...] %prog -r str1 [str2] ... -c [...]" """ helpDescription = """ Executes the same shell command in each project. The -r option allows running the command only on projects matching regex or wildcard expression. Output Formatting ----------------- The -p option causes '%prog' to bind pipes to the command's stdin, stdout and stderr streams, and pipe all output into a continuous stream that is displayed in a single pager session. Project headings are inserted before the output of each command is displayed. If the command produces no output in a project, no heading is displayed. The formatting convention used by -p is very suitable for some types of searching, e.g. `repo forall -p -c git log -SFoo` will print all commits that add or remove references to Foo. The -v option causes '%prog' to display stderr messages if a command produces output only on stderr. Normally the -p option causes command output to be suppressed until the command produces at least one byte of output on stdout. Environment ----------- pwd is the project's working directory. If the current client is a mirror client, then pwd is the Git repository. REPO_PROJECT is set to the unique name of the project. REPO_PATH is the path relative the the root of the client. REPO_REMOTE is the name of the remote system from the manifest. REPO_LREV is the name of the revision from the manifest, translated to a local tracking branch. If you need to pass the manifest revision to a locally executed git command, use REPO_LREV. REPO_RREV is the name of the revision from the manifest, exactly as written in the manifest. REPO_COUNT is the total number of projects being iterated. REPO_I is the current (1-based) iteration count. Can be used in conjunction with REPO_COUNT to add a simple progress indicator to your command. REPO__* are any extra environment variables, specified by the "annotation" element under any project element. This can be useful for differentiating trees based on user-specific criteria, or simply annotating tree details. shell positional arguments ($1, $2, .., $#) are set to any arguments following . Unless -p is used, stdin, stdout, stderr are inherited from the terminal and are not redirected. If -e is used, when a command exits unsuccessfully, '%prog' will abort without iterating through the remaining projects. """ def _Options(self, p): def cmd(option, opt_str, value, parser): setattr(parser.values, option.dest, list(parser.rargs)) while parser.rargs: del parser.rargs[0] p.add_option('-r', '--regex', dest='regex', action='store_true', help="Execute the command only on projects matching regex or wildcard expression") p.add_option('-c', '--command', help='Command (and arguments) to execute', dest='command', action='callback', callback=cmd) p.add_option('-e', '--abort-on-errors', dest='abort_on_errors', action='store_true', help='Abort if a command exits unsuccessfully') g = p.add_option_group('Output') g.add_option('-p', dest='project_header', action='store_true', help='Show project headers before output') g.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Show command error messages') g.add_option('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', action='store', type='int', default=1, help='number of commands to execute simultaneously') def WantPager(self, opt): return opt.project_header and opt.jobs == 1 def _SerializeProject(self, project): """ Serialize a project._GitGetByExec instance. project._GitGetByExec is not pickle-able. Instead of trying to pass it around between processes, make a dict ourselves containing only the attributes that we need. """ if not self.manifest.IsMirror: lrev = project.GetRevisionId() else: lrev = None return { 'name': project.name, 'relpath': project.relpath, 'remote_name': project.remote.name, 'lrev': lrev, 'rrev': project.revisionExpr, 'annotations': dict((a.name, a.value) for a in project.annotations), 'gitdir': project.gitdir, 'worktree': project.worktree, } def Execute(self, opt, args): if not opt.command: self.Usage() cmd = [opt.command[0]] shell = True if re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9A-Z_/\.-]+$').match(cmd[0]): shell = False if shell: cmd.append(cmd[0]) cmd.extend(opt.command[1:]) if opt.project_header \ and not shell \ and cmd[0] == 'git': # If this is a direct git command that can enable colorized # output and the user prefers coloring, add --color into the # command line because we are going to wrap the command into # a pipe and git won't know coloring should activate. # for cn in cmd[1:]: if not cn.startswith('-'): break else: cn = None # pylint: disable=W0631 if cn and cn in _CAN_COLOR: class ColorCmd(Coloring): def __init__(self, config, cmd): Coloring.__init__(self, config, cmd) if ColorCmd(self.manifest.manifestProject.config, cn).is_on: cmd.insert(cmd.index(cn) + 1, '--color') # pylint: enable=W0631 mirror = self.manifest.IsMirror rc = 0 if not opt.regex: projects = self.GetProjects(args) else: projects = self.FindProjects(args) os.environ['REPO_COUNT'] = str(len(projects)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(opt.jobs, InitWorker) try: config = self.manifest.manifestProject.config results_it = pool.imap( DoWorkWrapper, self.ProjectArgs(projects, mirror, opt, cmd, shell, config)) pool.close() for r in results_it: rc = rc or r if r != 0 and opt.abort_on_errors: raise Exception('Aborting due to previous error') except (KeyboardInterrupt, WorkerKeyboardInterrupt): # Catch KeyboardInterrupt raised inside and outside of workers print('Interrupted - terminating the pool') pool.terminate() rc = rc or errno.EINTR except Exception as e: # Catch any other exceptions raised print('Got an error, terminating the pool: %r' % e, file=sys.stderr) pool.terminate() rc = rc or getattr(e, 'errno', 1) finally: pool.join() if rc != 0: sys.exit(rc) def ProjectArgs(self, projects, mirror, opt, cmd, shell, config): for cnt, p in enumerate(projects): try: project = self._SerializeProject(p) except Exception as e: print('Project list error: %r' % e, file=sys.stderr) return except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Project list interrupted', file=sys.stderr) return yield [mirror, opt, cmd, shell, cnt, config, project] class WorkerKeyboardInterrupt(Exception): """ Keyboard interrupt exception for worker processes. """ pass def InitWorker(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) def DoWorkWrapper(args): """ A wrapper around the DoWork() method. Catch the KeyboardInterrupt exceptions here and re-raise them as a different, ``Exception``-based exception to stop it flooding the console with stacktraces and making the parent hang indefinitely. """ project = args.pop() try: return DoWork(project, *args) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('%s: Worker interrupted' % project['name']) raise WorkerKeyboardInterrupt() def DoWork(project, mirror, opt, cmd, shell, cnt, config): env = os.environ.copy() def setenv(name, val): if val is None: val = '' if hasattr(val, 'encode'): val = val.encode() env[name] = val setenv('REPO_PROJECT', project['name']) setenv('REPO_PATH', project['relpath']) setenv('REPO_REMOTE', project['remote_name']) setenv('REPO_LREV', project['lrev']) setenv('REPO_RREV', project['rrev']) setenv('REPO_I', str(cnt + 1)) for name in project['annotations']: setenv("REPO__%s" % (name), project['annotations'][name]) if mirror: setenv('GIT_DIR', project['gitdir']) cwd = project['gitdir'] else: cwd = project['worktree'] if not os.path.exists(cwd): if (opt.project_header and opt.verbose) \ or not opt.project_header: print('skipping %s/' % project['relpath'], file=sys.stderr) return if opt.project_header: stdin = subprocess.PIPE stdout = subprocess.PIPE stderr = subprocess.PIPE else: stdin = None stdout = None stderr = None p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, shell=shell, env=env, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if opt.project_header: out = ForallColoring(config) out.redirect(sys.stdout) class sfd(object): def __init__(self, fd, dest): self.fd = fd self.dest = dest def fileno(self): return self.fd.fileno() empty = True errbuf = '' p.stdin.close() s_in = [sfd(p.stdout, sys.stdout), sfd(p.stderr, sys.stderr)] for s in s_in: flags = fcntl.fcntl(s.fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(s.fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) while s_in: in_ready, _out_ready, _err_ready = select.select(s_in, [], []) for s in in_ready: buf = s.fd.read(4096) if not buf: s.fd.close() s_in.remove(s) continue if not opt.verbose: if s.fd != p.stdout: errbuf += buf continue if empty and out: if not cnt == 0: out.nl() if mirror: project_header_path = project['name'] else: project_header_path = project['relpath'] out.project('project %s/', project_header_path) out.nl() out.flush() if errbuf: sys.stderr.write(errbuf) sys.stderr.flush() errbuf = '' empty = False s.dest.write(buf) s.dest.flush() r = p.wait() return r