# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Unittests for the manifest_xml.py module.""" import os import platform import shutil import tempfile import unittest import xml.dom.minidom import error import manifest_xml # Invalid paths that we don't want in the filesystem. INVALID_FS_PATHS = ( '', '.', '..', '../', './', './/', 'foo/', './foo', '../foo', 'foo/./bar', 'foo/../../bar', '/foo', './../foo', '.git/foo', # Check case folding. '.GIT/foo', 'blah/.git/foo', '.repo/foo', '.repoconfig', # Block ~ due to 8.3 filenames on Windows filesystems. '~', 'foo~', 'blah/foo~', # Block Unicode characters that get normalized out by filesystems. u'foo\u200Cbar', # Block newlines. 'f\n/bar', 'f\r/bar', ) # Make sure platforms that use path separators (e.g. Windows) are also # rejected properly. if os.path.sep != '/': INVALID_FS_PATHS += tuple(x.replace('/', os.path.sep) for x in INVALID_FS_PATHS) class ManifestParseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """TestCase for parsing manifests.""" def setUp(self): self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='repo_tests') self.repodir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo') self.manifest_dir = os.path.join(self.repodir, 'manifests') self.manifest_file = os.path.join( self.repodir, manifest_xml.MANIFEST_FILE_NAME) self.local_manifest_dir = os.path.join( self.repodir, manifest_xml.LOCAL_MANIFESTS_DIR_NAME) os.mkdir(self.repodir) os.mkdir(self.manifest_dir) # The manifest parsing really wants a git repo currently. gitdir = os.path.join(self.repodir, 'manifests.git') os.mkdir(gitdir) with open(os.path.join(gitdir, 'config'), 'w') as fp: fp.write("""[remote "origin"] url = https://localhost:0/manifest """) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir, ignore_errors=True) def getXmlManifest(self, data): """Helper to initialize a manifest for testing.""" with open(self.manifest_file, 'w') as fp: fp.write(data) return manifest_xml.XmlManifest(self.repodir, self.manifest_file) @staticmethod def encodeXmlAttr(attr): """Encode |attr| using XML escape rules.""" return attr.replace('\r', ' ').replace('\n', ' ') class ManifestValidateFilePaths(unittest.TestCase): """Check _ValidateFilePaths helper. This doesn't access a real filesystem. """ def check_both(self, *args): manifest_xml.XmlManifest._ValidateFilePaths('copyfile', *args) manifest_xml.XmlManifest._ValidateFilePaths('linkfile', *args) def test_normal_path(self): """Make sure good paths are accepted.""" self.check_both('foo', 'bar') self.check_both('foo/bar', 'bar') self.check_both('foo', 'bar/bar') self.check_both('foo/bar', 'bar/bar') def test_symlink_targets(self): """Some extra checks for symlinks.""" def check(*args): manifest_xml.XmlManifest._ValidateFilePaths('linkfile', *args) # We allow symlinks to end in a slash since we allow them to point to dirs # in general. Technically the slash isn't necessary. check('foo/', 'bar') # We allow a single '.' to get a reference to the project itself. check('.', 'bar') def test_bad_paths(self): """Make sure bad paths (src & dest) are rejected.""" for path in INVALID_FS_PATHS: self.assertRaises( error.ManifestInvalidPathError, self.check_both, path, 'a') self.assertRaises( error.ManifestInvalidPathError, self.check_both, 'a', path) class ValueTests(unittest.TestCase): """Check utility parsing code.""" def _get_node(self, text): return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(text).firstChild def test_bool_default(self): """Check XmlBool default handling.""" node = self._get_node('') self.assertIsNone(manifest_xml.XmlBool(node, 'a')) self.assertIsNone(manifest_xml.XmlBool(node, 'a', None)) self.assertEqual(123, manifest_xml.XmlBool(node, 'a', 123)) node = self._get_node('') self.assertIsNone(manifest_xml.XmlBool(node, 'a')) def test_bool_invalid(self): """Check XmlBool invalid handling.""" node = self._get_node('') self.assertEqual(123, manifest_xml.XmlBool(node, 'a', 123)) def test_bool_true(self): """Check XmlBool true values.""" for value in ('yes', 'true', '1'): node = self._get_node('' % (value,)) self.assertTrue(manifest_xml.XmlBool(node, 'a')) def test_bool_false(self): """Check XmlBool false values.""" for value in ('no', 'false', '0'): node = self._get_node('' % (value,)) self.assertFalse(manifest_xml.XmlBool(node, 'a')) def test_int_default(self): """Check XmlInt default handling.""" node = self._get_node('') self.assertIsNone(manifest_xml.XmlInt(node, 'a')) self.assertIsNone(manifest_xml.XmlInt(node, 'a', None)) self.assertEqual(123, manifest_xml.XmlInt(node, 'a', 123)) node = self._get_node('') self.assertIsNone(manifest_xml.XmlInt(node, 'a')) def test_int_good(self): """Check XmlInt numeric handling.""" for value in (-1, 0, 1, 50000): node = self._get_node('' % (value,)) self.assertEqual(value, manifest_xml.XmlInt(node, 'a')) def test_int_invalid(self): """Check XmlInt invalid handling.""" with self.assertRaises(error.ManifestParseError): node = self._get_node('') manifest_xml.XmlInt(node, 'a') class XmlManifestTests(ManifestParseTestCase): """Check manifest processing.""" def test_empty(self): """Parse an 'empty' manifest file.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest( '' '') self.assertEqual(manifest.remotes, {}) self.assertEqual(manifest.projects, []) def test_link(self): """Verify Link handling with new names.""" manifest = manifest_xml.XmlManifest(self.repodir, self.manifest_file) with open(os.path.join(self.manifest_dir, 'foo.xml'), 'w') as fp: fp.write('') manifest.Link('foo.xml') with open(self.manifest_file) as fp: self.assertIn('', fp.read()) def test_toxml_empty(self): """Verify the ToXml() helper.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest( '' '') self.assertEqual(manifest.ToXml().toxml(), '') def test_todict_empty(self): """Verify the ToDict() helper.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest( '' '') self.assertEqual(manifest.ToDict(), {}) def test_repo_hooks(self): """Check repo-hooks settings.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" """) self.assertEqual(manifest.repo_hooks_project.name, 'repohooks') self.assertEqual(manifest.repo_hooks_project.enabled_repo_hooks, ['a', 'b']) def test_unknown_tags(self): """Check superproject settings.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" X tags are always ignored """) self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['name'], 'superproject') self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['remote'].name, 'test-remote') self.assertEqual( manifest.ToXml().toxml(), '' + '' + '' + '' + '') class IncludeElementTests(ManifestParseTestCase): """Tests for .""" def test_group_levels(self): root_m = os.path.join(self.manifest_dir, 'root.xml') with open(root_m, 'w') as fp: fp.write(""" """) with open(os.path.join(self.manifest_dir, 'level1.xml'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(""" """) with open(os.path.join(self.manifest_dir, 'level2.xml'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(""" """) include_m = manifest_xml.XmlManifest(self.repodir, root_m) for proj in include_m.projects: if proj.name == 'root-name1': # Check include group not set on root level proj. self.assertNotIn('level1-group', proj.groups) if proj.name == 'root-name2': # Check root proj group not removed. self.assertIn('r2g1', proj.groups) if proj.name == 'level1-name1': # Check level1 proj has inherited group level 1. self.assertIn('level1-group', proj.groups) if proj.name == 'level2-name1': # Check level2 proj has inherited group levels 1 and 2. self.assertIn('level1-group', proj.groups) self.assertIn('level2-group', proj.groups) # Check level2 proj group not removed. self.assertIn('l2g1', proj.groups) def test_allow_bad_name_from_user(self): """Check handling of bad name attribute from the user's input.""" def parse(name): name = self.encodeXmlAttr(name) manifest = self.getXmlManifest(f""" """) # Force the manifest to be parsed. manifest.ToXml() # Setup target of the include. target = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'target.xml') with open(target, 'w') as fp: fp.write('') # Include with absolute path. parse(os.path.abspath(target)) # Include with relative path. parse(os.path.relpath(target, self.manifest_dir)) def test_bad_name_checks(self): """Check handling of bad name attribute.""" def parse(name): name = self.encodeXmlAttr(name) # Setup target of the include. with open(os.path.join(self.manifest_dir, 'target.xml'), 'w') as fp: fp.write(f'') manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" """) # Force the manifest to be parsed. manifest.ToXml() # Handle empty name explicitly because a different codepath rejects it. with self.assertRaises(error.ManifestParseError): parse('') for path in INVALID_FS_PATHS: if not path: continue with self.assertRaises(error.ManifestInvalidPathError): parse(path) class ProjectElementTests(ManifestParseTestCase): """Tests for .""" def test_group(self): """Check project group settings.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" """) self.assertEqual(len(manifest.projects), 2) # Ordering isn't guaranteed. result = { manifest.projects[0].name: manifest.projects[0].groups, manifest.projects[1].name: manifest.projects[1].groups, } project = manifest.projects[0] self.assertCountEqual( result['test-name'], ['name:test-name', 'all', 'path:test-path']) self.assertCountEqual( result['extras'], ['g1', 'g2', 'g1', 'name:extras', 'all', 'path:path']) groupstr = 'default,platform-' + platform.system().lower() self.assertEqual(groupstr, manifest.GetGroupsStr()) groupstr = 'g1,g2,g1' manifest.manifestProject.config.SetString('manifest.groups', groupstr) self.assertEqual(groupstr, manifest.GetGroupsStr()) def test_set_revision_id(self): """Check setting of project's revisionId.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" """) self.assertEqual(len(manifest.projects), 1) project = manifest.projects[0] project.SetRevisionId('ABCDEF') self.assertEqual( manifest.ToXml().toxml(), '' + '' + '' + '' + '') def test_trailing_slash(self): """Check handling of trailing slashes in attributes.""" def parse(name, path): name = self.encodeXmlAttr(name) path = self.encodeXmlAttr(path) return self.getXmlManifest(f""" """) manifest = parse('a/path/', 'foo') self.assertEqual(manifest.projects[0].gitdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo/projects/foo.git')) self.assertEqual(manifest.projects[0].objdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo/project-objects/a/path.git')) manifest = parse('a/path', 'foo/') self.assertEqual(manifest.projects[0].gitdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo/projects/foo.git')) self.assertEqual(manifest.projects[0].objdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo/project-objects/a/path.git')) manifest = parse('a/path', 'foo//////') self.assertEqual(manifest.projects[0].gitdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo/projects/foo.git')) self.assertEqual(manifest.projects[0].objdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo/project-objects/a/path.git')) def test_toplevel_path(self): """Check handling of path=. specially.""" def parse(name, path): name = self.encodeXmlAttr(name) path = self.encodeXmlAttr(path) return self.getXmlManifest(f""" """) for path in ('.', './', './/', './//'): manifest = parse('server/path', path) self.assertEqual(manifest.projects[0].gitdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir, '.repo/projects/..git')) def test_bad_path_name_checks(self): """Check handling of bad path & name attributes.""" def parse(name, path): name = self.encodeXmlAttr(name) path = self.encodeXmlAttr(path) manifest = self.getXmlManifest(f""" """) # Force the manifest to be parsed. manifest.ToXml() # Verify the parser is valid by default to avoid buggy tests below. parse('ok', 'ok') # Handle empty name explicitly because a different codepath rejects it. # Empty path is OK because it defaults to the name field. with self.assertRaises(error.ManifestParseError): parse('', 'ok') for path in INVALID_FS_PATHS: if not path or path.endswith('/'): continue with self.assertRaises(error.ManifestInvalidPathError): parse(path, 'ok') # We have a dedicated test for path=".". if path not in {'.'}: with self.assertRaises(error.ManifestInvalidPathError): parse('ok', path) class SuperProjectElementTests(ManifestParseTestCase): """Tests for .""" def test_superproject(self): """Check superproject settings.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" """) self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['name'], 'superproject') self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['remote'].name, 'test-remote') self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['remote'].url, 'http://localhost/superproject') self.assertEqual( manifest.ToXml().toxml(), '' + '' + '' + '' + '') def test_remote(self): """Check superproject settings with a remote.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" """) self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['name'], 'platform/superproject') self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['remote'].name, 'superproject-remote') self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['remote'].url, 'http://localhost/platform/superproject') self.assertEqual( manifest.ToXml().toxml(), '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '') def test_defalut_remote(self): """Check superproject settings with a default remote.""" manifest = self.getXmlManifest(""" """) self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['name'], 'superproject') self.assertEqual(manifest.superproject['remote'].name, 'default-remote') self.assertEqual( manifest.ToXml().toxml(), '' + '' + '' + '' + '')